I Love Rural Health

Rural Emergency Hospital: Friend Community Healthcare System
In 2024, Friend Community Healthcare System seized the opportunity to qualify for the federal government’s brand new Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation. This is the story of Friend Community Healthcare System and, more importantly, the people who have taken proactive measures to ensure a sustainable future of health care for local patients.

HOSA: Scottsbluff, NE
HOSA-Future Health Professionals is a national student organization that equips high school students with valuable knowledge, skills, leadership training and hands-on experiences in health care settings.

Mobile Clinic: West Holt Medical
West Holt Memorial Hospital in rural Atkinson started a mobile clinic to extend the reach of local providers and better serve rural Nebraskans.

MS Clinic: Saunders Medical Center
Rural MS patients face numerous extra obstacles to diagnosis and treatment. This is the story of Saunders Medical Center in Wahoo, where health care leaders are determined to be an exception to this distressing standard of care.

Regional Health: Great Plains Health
This video offers viewers a brief glimpse at the juggling act the Great Plains Health team in North Platte has embraced to improve rural health care outcomes for Nebraska’s most remote citizens.

Medicare Advantage
Lured by lower out-of-pocket prices and shrewd sales tactics, more than half of statewide Medicare-eligible seniors are now enrolled in an MA plan. Meanwhile, nearly a third of Nebraska hospitals refuse to contract with certain MA plans.

FHIR: Gothenburg Health
Data is power. Literally. This is the story of how Gothenburg Health has embraced the FHIR standard, and, in doing so, transformed patient outcomes. See how a data-forward approach has redefined medical care in the rural community of Gothenburg, Nebraska.

FHIR: Syracuse Area Health
Syracuse Area Health in southeast Nebraska is on a mission to fold data integration into their organizational principles. In doing so, they are part of a broader movement to revolutionize health care delivery in rural America. See how strategic use of the FHIR Standard makes a difference for rural communities like Syracuse.

Rural Veteran Care: Grand Island VA
Grand Island VA Medical Center prioritizes rural veterans’ care, breaking barriers and fostering inclusivity. Discover how the providers there are dedicated to improving access and post-combat support, setting a national standard for rural health services.

Reviewing the Facts on Vaccines
When it comes to safeguarding you and your loved ones, you deserve the ultimate shield. And here’s the truth: vaccines are the answer. But you deserve to be confident in what goes in your body — So let’s review the facts.

Rural Health Clinics: Boone County Health
Rural health clinics play a vital role in improving access to care for small communities. As the operator of five of these clinics, Boone County Health connects thousands of rural citizens to the care they need.

Partnership with Ag & Industry: Memorial Community Hospital (Blair)
In partnership with local ag and industrial businesses, Memorial Community Hospital has been able to expand access and services to a working population that may otherwise struggle to receive it.

Maternal & OB Care: Pender Community Hospital
Despite being located nearly 100 miles from Omaha, Pender Community Hospital supports one of the highest birth rates per capita among all Nebraska hospitals.

Rural First Nation Health Care: Winnebago, NE
Through enhanced access and quality of care, and by establishing an inclusive and community-led culture, Winnebago Comprehensive Healthcare System has proven that strong health care is what makes rural Nebraska strong.

Senior & Long-Term Care: York General
York General Hospital has made it a central part of their mission to care for senior patients. We visited two of their long-term care and assisted living facilities to learn about the impact they’ve had on Nebraska’s rural health landscape.

Diversity in Health Care: Grand Island FQHC
Federally Qualified Health Centers are vital to accessible health care in underserved communities. In Grand Island, Heartland FQHC is making a positive impact by reaching thousands in rural Nebraska.

Diversity in Health Care: Lexington Regional
Hear how Lexington Regional Health Center overcomes language barriers and provides equitable services to serve patients of all cultures and backgrounds.

Rural Mental Health: Fillmore County Hospital
Fillmore County Hospital’s robust outpatient mental health department is paramount to the availability and delivery of of services in Geneva, NE and surrounding communities.

Rural Resilience: Sidney Regional Medical Center
After a huge economic setback, Sidney, Nebraska has prioritized their health care resources, providing far-reaching access to care and economic growth in the face of adversity.

Nursing in Rural Nebraska
Adaptive. Well-rounded. Essential. Rural nurses are more important than ever — especially in the face of an ongoing nationwide nursing shortage

Rural Faith & Healing: St. Francis Memorial
For rural residents, faith can play a crucial role in holistic healing and overall health. St. Francis Memorial Hospital in West Point, Nebraska

Public Transportation: Tri Valley Health System
According to census data, nearly 59,000 Nebraskans have no access to a vehicle.
Tri Valley Public Transportation was established to ensure residents in and around

Mental Health Partnership: Four Corners Health + Memorial Health Care Systems
This is the story of a partnership between two Nebraska health care facilities, which was established to extend an extra layer of mental health

KHOP Program: Kearney County Health Services
The KHOP program exists to recruit and educate rural Nebraska students, and incentivizes them to bring their education back home. This is the exciting story

340B Program: Johnson County Hospital
The 340B program enables providers and pharmacies to stretch scarce federal resources as far as possible — reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive

Rural Health and the Economy: Valley County Health System
For rural communities, hospitals are so worth so much more than access to medical care. In Ord, Nebraska, leaders from the business and medical communities